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toyan v8 engine

The 5 Best V8 Engine Model Kits | EngineDIY

Hey friends,

The team enginediy has been updated over 15 v8 engine models since it was first published in January of 2019. We will continuously put forth the effort to update more V8 engine model kits. And more v8 engines will be released in the next future. Subscribe us to get more updates of engine model info.

Enginediy thinks that it is a truly called "fun for all ages" activity to build a model of an engine which is both quite challenging and rewarding.

They will not only bring you DIY fun for anyone with a little extra time, but also could be served as valuable teaching tools for a budding mechanic or engineer.  Some of our v8 engine model kit could be used as rc engine and applied into rc car after assembled, like TOYAN V8 Nitro Engine.

Don't worry about getting started with these kits. All v8 engines model comes with step-by-step instructions.

We collected the top sellers in v8 engine models at enginediy and there are videos and reviews for them.

1. Innonex Visible V8 Engine Model Kit

Reviews from our customers:
Skip wrote a 5 stars review: Fun for all ages
This was great entertainment for three men ages 25, 35, and 44. Now mind you it was a later at night kind of put together, so our minds were a little slower. My 18 and 16 year olds kept on reminding us it was a model for 12 and up. All I’m going to say to that is we had a blast and will do it again. If your mind is one of creativity and you love putting things together, this is for you. After building and using for 2 days we tore the engine back down. I will use this again for a new group as a late night treat.

More Reviews for this V8 Engine Model, click here

2. Haynes Visible V8 Engine Model Kit

v8 engine model





Review from Man Helen - Fun, Well made model. Handy teaching tool for the basics.
Fun project. My teen nephew and I enjoyed assembling the V8, and surely he gained a bit of insight to the mechanical workings of an internal combustion engine. (at least the basics anyway)... The kit was missing the water pump/fan pulley, however an email to the company had a new one in my mailbox a couple of days later.. I'd call that excellent customer service. The kit is assembled using screws only, No glue required..I'd call that a plus. The detail of the more complex assemblies (cams, ignition) are very impressive. There are even steps to take to set, and adjust the timing, making the red lights representing spark plugs, flash at the right moment of the compression/power stroke. Fun to watch. The battery powered motor running the whole thing is actually louder than the simulated Engine running sound coming from a little speaker in the base, but it's no big deal. I seem to recall the original "visible V8" being a bit noisy too. This is actually a nice modern version of the original. Educational, and fun to build.

More Reviews for this V8 Engine Model, click here

3. TECHING Full Metal V8 Engine Model Kit


✔High Craftsmanship
✔Fun Assembly Kit
✔V8 Engine That Works
✔Excellent Steam Toys
✔Gifts & Collection

Review from DANIEL - Très bon moteur
Tout comme le 4 cylindres, j'ai pris beaucoup de plaisir faire votre V8, fabrication trs soigne et joli.
Rien de compliqu dans le montage mme sans notice fran?aise, pour ma part j'ai modifi quelques dtails, feutrine sur les soupapes pour voir mieux l'ouverture, cot filtre bloc moteur agrandi une ouverture pour voir rellement la bielle en mouvement.
J'ai aussi trouv bon de crer l'allumage, delco et fils de bougies, en dsignant les cylindres droits, 1-3-5-7 l'ordre d'allumage est sur votre moteur, 1-4-5-2-7-6-3-8 si je ne me trompe pas.
Voil pour mes commentaires, trs beau moteur une fois fini et, j'espre un jour le 6 cylindres en ligne.

More Reviews for this V8 Engine Model, click here

4. MAD RC Simulation V8 Engine Model Kit


RC Full Simulation Engine
Model KIT That Works

Review from Tom - Good quality, fun and educational
My 12 and 10 year old were very excited when they received this toy. The directions were wonderful. They had step by step pictures similar to legos instructions. This toy has lots of tiny pieces so you want to make sure you designate a space you will work on the engine till it is complete. There are two screw sizes but the difference is so little that you have to look closely to make sure you have the correct screws. My boys didn't realize there were different sizes and couldn't figure why they weren't fitting correctly. I would recommend anyone with a child under 14, to supervise because there are a lot of steps and many pieces to put together. Less room for error with adult supervision. It took my boys around 6 hours to complete but we had some mishaps. Using the wrong screws and putting on pieces backwards, which is why I highly recommend adult supervision. Once we were done the engine looked and sounded really great. Will post pictures soon.

More Reviews for this V8 Engine Model, click here

5. TOYAN V8 Engine FS-V800 Nitro Engine

First Testing Video:

Second Testing Video:

TOYAN V8 Engine is for presale now and there is no review for it. Reviews will be updated when the items sent out to our customers. Please click here to know more about this v8 engine model kit.

Know more about TOYAN V8 engine below:

Supercharger & Clutch For TOYAN V8 Engine | EngineDIY
TOYAN V8 Engine Sounds! First Testing From EngineDIY
What Kind of V8 Engine You Want Best? | EngineDIY
TOYAN V8 Engine In Kit Or Assembled? Get The Answer Here! | EngineDIY
TOYAN V8 Engine FS-V800 Will Be Launched! | EngineDIY

Any question or suggestion, please feel free to contact us

Or comment please.

EngineDIY Team

Previous article RETROL Diesel Engine | EngineDIY


Francois Chadzynski - July 30, 2023
Hello, I need to have some news about my order # 28440 on 13 juillet 2023.

Any problem about of the shipment of Steam engine Retrol HM 01.?
Let me know
François Chadzynski

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