Ok I’m not the owner, but actually built one of the SBC OHV V8’s, that I built for a wealthy family friend, who tried to build but was afraid of ruining it. So I volunteered to build. After I got it running he was curious if I could get it to power something like a minibike? I wish I had video footage from what we ended up with. But instead of a bike or wheeled vehicle, I built one into a 10’ ocean kayak! But even though rated at 4.5 hp, there wasn’t enough torque to swing a big enough prop to push the kayak to any speed greater than a paddle could, what it did was help maintain a decent speed once a paddle got it going, alas with only one passenger. Plus it would burn about 2 quarts of fuel for only 20 minutes running time at full throttle, but would get hot, even with the radiator in water. We are going to still try adding one to one of those pocket rocket 50cc bikes.